Meet Michele

It is nearly impossible to separate Michou from its creator, Michele Sonner. The name “Michou” itself, a derivation of the French endearment mon petit chou, is the childhood nickname of the artist behind Michou’s unique designs. The name, like the jewelry Michou creates, is a keepsake of Michele’s childhood and part of her history.

Michele’s love of art and antiques first drew her into jewelry design when, by chance, she discovered a tiny collection of rings during a ski trip in the Swiss Alps. The rings were created in Bali using a very special technique called granulation, an ancient art form of creating patterns by fusing granules of silver or gold onto an object. Michele was so inspired that months later the New York City native found herself on the faraway tropical island of Bali to apprentice with the artisans, learning skills that had been handed down over countless generations.


Michou has been turning inspiration into art for over 35 years. Calling its jewelry “Art to Wear”, Michou has created a distinctive collection that speaks to women all over the world.